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Book Review Author: Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. Last Updated: Sep 7, 2017 - 10:11:17 PM

From Fatigued to Fantastic

By Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.
Jun 21, 2009 - 12:05:38 AM

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( - The most popular and comprehensive book ever written on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia has been completely revised and updated with the latest scientific information, cutting-edge research and practical advice

More than 2.5 million Americans suffer every day with the debilitating effects of chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFS/CFIDS) and about three to six percent of the population (12-24 million Americans) battle fibromyalgia. Their baffling symptoms include severe, almost unrelenting fatigue, achiness, insomnia, memory and digestive troubles, weight gain, loss of libido and immune deficiencies. Sadly, these illnesses are frequently misdiagnosed or worse, dismissed by physicians, employers and loved ones.

For the past 31 years, Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., one of the country's leading experts on CFS and fibromyalgia, has been researching these debilitating disorders and helping patients to diagnose and treat them. From Fatigued to Fantastic! (Avery/Penguin Group USA, 3rd Edition, October 4, 2007) updates Dr. Teitelbaum’s proven program to regain health and vitality based on his ground breaking, published, placebo-controlled research that showed an unprecedented average 91 percent patient improvement rate.

Using the latest information about CFS and FMS, Dr. Teitelbaum helps readers evaluate their illness and implement a program to eliminate the underlying causes. Specific guidelines for diagnosis and treatment are clearly and concisely presented along with supporting scientific evidence. Treatments include prescription and over-the-counter medications, nutritional supplements, alternative therapies, and dietary and lifestyle modifications.

In this 3rd, landmark edition, Dr. Teitelbaum provides compelling evidence that CFS/Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain are highly treatable and he offers the empathy of one who has himself overcome these disorders. Dr. Teitelbaum’s clear, easy-to-understand approach offers critical information for sufferers to reclaim their lives. His work has been widely publicized, including appearances on Oprah and Friends, CNN, and Fox Network news. He is a frequently quoted expert in leading national magazines and news services.

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