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Exercise Author: Johnny Gillespie Last Updated: Sep 7, 2017 - 10:06:33 PM

Surprise! Guess Who is Doing Yoga?

By Johnny Gillespie
Jun 14, 2011 - 1:42:02 PM

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Baby boomers are discovering that yoga is a fun way to meet many of their health and fitness needs

( - Looking for an exercise that will help you stay in shape without risking injuries or buying a lot of expensive equipment? You might feel right at home alongside the millions of other baby boomers who have become avid yoga practitioners.

Since 1991, the number of yoga practitioners in the U.S. has skyrocketed from an estimated four million to approximately 20 million. Statistics show that 18.4 percent of Americans practicing yoga are over age 55*. How is that possible? Don’t you have to be skinny and able to twist yourself like a pretzel to do yoga? Not at all! In fact, many boomers who step into a yoga class have sore joints, and are looking for an exercise that will help them improve their flexibility.

Why yoga makes sense for people 50+

“Yoga is like a classic drink mixer such as club soda or ginger ale – it can morph to suit the needs of just about anyone,” explains certified personal trainer Johnny Gillespie, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, whose Empowered Yoga is helping people of all ages shape up their bodies and their minds. “Forget what you may think about yoga being a religious experience. Yoga is about creating a connection between your mind and body that, with practice, can improve your strength and balance.”

Gillespie reassures boomers that, “It doesn’t matter how flexible you are, because if you were really flexible, you wouldn’t need to be in a yoga class. People who come into a class are tight and sign up because they want to increase their flexibility.” He cites several other benefits that appeal to people who are 50+ including:

· Fall prevention: “In yoga, we’re focused on getting you to move your body respectfully so that you can create strength, balance and a connection with your feet, legs and spine. You will be less likely to fall than someone who is not as agile.”

· Increased blood flow: “Yoga teaches you to breath properly and to breath more deeply. The increased amount of oxygen helps your circulation.”

· Increased energy: “People think that everyone involved with an exercise program starts out with lots of energy, when in fact, it is the exercise itself that gives you more energy.”

· Improved range of motion. “Yoga can be therapeutic because you’re learning how to align your body and you carry those principles with you throughout your day.”

· Better sleep: “Yoga helps you learn how to achieve a level of calm which helps you get to sleep and stay asleep.”

Preparing your body for yoga

Gillespie cautions that while yoga can improve your quality of life, you may also need to take action to reduce joint pains that may hinder your ability to exercise. “Whether you’ve been active your entire life (and have the aching knees to prove it!) or if you’re just interested in trying a few good yoga stretches, you may need something more than Empowered Yoga to help with your pain relief.

“There are a number of safe and effective supplements to help soothe joint pain and improve flexibility. One emerging option is Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM), which is a safe and convenient source of ingredients essential for healthy joints. NEM is derived from a natural source in an environmentally friendly fashion, and may help to alleviate joint stiffness in as quickly as seven to 10 days.”

Interested in learning more about yoga’s benefits? “It’s important to make sure you are working with a well-qualified teacher,” Gillespie advises. “There are yoga teachers who have only completed weekend courses and others who have completed 200-500 hours of qualifications. No one should be asking you to stand on your head, but a qualified teacher will work with you on your posture and movements to create greater strength and balance.”

Biography -- Johnny Gillespie, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, e-RYT

Johnny Gillespie, a dynamic and youthful teacher, founded Plexus in 1999 with the perspective that fitness was more than just exercise. Plexus is a health and fitness company located in Wilmington, Delaware offering fitness services within the private and public sectors. He founded Empowered Yoga, the sister company of Plexus, in 2002. The company currently operates yoga centers in Wilmington, DE, Newark and Hockessin, DE.

Gillespie is a national presenter with the National Strength & Conditioning Association, where he also teaches the Balanced Athlete Program. His extensive study of both western and eastern science allows him to deliver an experience unlike anything you have ever felt before.

"Deep within all of us lies dormant faculties and talents that can be realized and developed through living a healthy and fitness conscious lifestyle. It is within our ability to foster and develop these forces that we can reach our truest and deepest potential."


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