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Beauty Author: Wendy Lewis, Beauty/Skincare Columnist - Last Updated: Sep 7, 2017 - 10:06:33 PM

Breakthroughs In Body Contouring

By Wendy Lewis, Beauty/Skincare Columnist -
Jun 30, 2010 - 1:28:08 PM

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( - Light based fat reduction and body shaping devices are rapidly growing, stemming from our never ending quest for thinner thighs and tauter tummies. New technologies combine lasers, various forms of radio frequency and ultrasound, heat as well as cold energy to dissolve fat and offer less invasive solutions than traditional liposuction that often involves general anesthesia and a hospital stay. The beauty of these systems is that the recovery is minimized. One system is VASER® High Def Sculpting which uses ultrasonic energy to precisely destroy fat deposits gently. The technology makes it possible to finely sculpt delicate areas of the body to create an athletically toned appearance by more precisely removing both superficial and deep fat around muscle groups in order to enhance the visibility of the underlying musculature. There has also been an explosion of a new breed of “laser-assisted liposuction,” or “LAL” systems, that use a fine cannula or tube like instrument inserted into the skin that contains a laser fiber inside to deliver energy directly to fat cells, causing them to rupture and dissolve. The surgeon may then suction away the dissolved fat and the tissue around the area coagulates, resulting in an overall firming effect, which is the Holy Grail of all fat destruction systems. The main advantage of systems like SmartLipo™, CoolLipo®, LipoTherme® is that they help to tighten the skin, reduce sagging and improve contours. According to Dr. David Shafer, a New York plastic surgeon, “The process continues to generate improvement even after the procedure has ended. One of the main benefits of the latest generation of SmartLipo™ Multiplex technology is the unique combination of two wavelengths to promote greater collagen remodeling so we can produce a smoother contour along with skin tightening, especially in areas of more advanced laxity.” The next frontier in body contouring involves non-invasive fat reduction. One of these systems is from Zeltiq™ Aesthetics that reduces fat deposits with a different twist. According to Dr. Michael Kaminer, a Boston dermatologist, “Zeltiq is based on Cryolipolysis, which is defined as controlled cooling rather than heating to target and eliminate fat cells. It lowers the temperature to transform your fat cells from liquids to solids. The fat cells are thus destroyed and processed by the liver and then resorbed by the body over the next several months.” If firmer skin of your abdomen or knees is your main goal, skin tightening technologies also offer some benefit in an office procedure. Thermage® CPT is the newest variation on radio frequency skin tightening that represents a giant leap over previous systems. As Dr. Neil Sadick, a New York dermatologist, explains, “The “comfort pulse technology” produces increased tone, texture and reduced wrinkling with significantly less discomfort due to the novel vibrating hand piece.”

Wendy Lewis is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Beauty in the Bag

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