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Topline results from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery's (ASAPS, surgery.org) show buttock augmentation procedures rose by 58% in 2013. Similarly, data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS, plasticsurgery.org) show that nearly 10,000 buttock augmentations with fat grafting were performed in 2013, an increase of 16% over 2012. ASAPS also documented a dramatic increase in the still somewhat taboo vaginal rejuvenation category. According to the new data, labiaplasty procedures increased by 44% during 2013.
So who can we thank (or blame) for the rise in these below-the-belt procedures? Kim Kardashian, for one. "Although the numbers are still small compared to tummy tucks and breast augmentation, these procedures are rapidly gaining popularity, mainly due to popular media, both broadcast and social," says Anthony Youn, MD, a plastic surgeion in Detroit, Michigan. "It's no coincidence that pop culture is focused on celebs with large derrieres (such as Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé, and the fitness sensation Jen Selter) at the same time that buttock augmentation undergoes a 58% increase since the year before."
Youn adds that there was similar spike in rhinoplasty surgeries after Ashlee Simpson underwent a career-changing, well-performed rhinoplasty that became tabloid fodder. "Who knows? If the next big celeb is known for her great chin then we just may see a major rise in chin implants." ASPS documented a quantum leap in arm lifts when the First Lady Michele Obama revealed her exquisitely toned guns. In 2000, more than 300 women had upper arm lift procedures. In 2012, that figure jumped to 15,000.
As far as the increase in labiaplasty, Youn says that it is widely believed to be influenced by the up close and personal appearance of women's bodies in pornography. Others also cite the Brazilian waxing trend, as areas that were once left to the imagination are now visible. There is no doubt that as more media attention given to this evolving specialty, there is more public awareness of what is available, which ultimately drives more women into surgeons' offices to find out more.
Overall, the numbers of aesthetic procedures are clearly on the rise across the board. Both organizations cited increases in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery in 2013. ASAPS reports that more than 10 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed by plastic surgeons in the United States in 2013, and that surgical procedures have increased by 6.5% from 2012. ASPS shows that there were 15.1 million cosmetic procedures in 2013; up 3% since 2012. In addition, 5.7 million reconstructive surgery procedures were performed last year, up 2%.
Wendy Lewis is President of Wendy Lewis & Co Ltd Global Aesthetics Consultancy, The Knife Coach®, author of 11 books and Founder/Editor in Chief of http://www.beautyinthebag.com.
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