
Pet Care
Tips On Caring For An Aging Pet
Apr 15, 2010 - 10:18:05 PM

( people age, their health care needs change. The same is true for their pets.

Many Americans already have firsthand knowledge of what it's like to care for an aging pet. According to a recent survey at the Global Pet Expo, over 69 million U.S. households have at least one pet, and about 75 percent of those have an older pet in the house.

To help your pet get the care it needs as it gets older, here are some tips to assist you as you work to maintain his or her health:

• See the vet--Because pets age faster than people, annual checkups are a good idea for younger pets. Once your dog or cat reaches midlife, around 7 years old, it's a good idea to check with your vet to see if more-frequent visits may be necessary. Regular checkups will allow your vet to establish a baseline for examinations and thus more easily identify changes and illness.

• Be a weight watcher--Obesity is the No. 1 problem in the pet population. Exercise, reducing treats and checking with your vet on appropriate portion size should help them shed extra pounds. Some pets may need to switch to a lower-calorie diet as well.

• A hidden concern--Along with doing a routine physical exam, encourage your veterinarian to check your pet's blood pressure. High blood pressure in dogs and cats can lead to blindness and strokes and is often a symptom of high thyroid levels in cats.

• Exercise--Exercise not only helps keep off extra pounds, it also helps you keep an eye on their mobility to help watch for early signs of arthritis. Dogs should get at least 20 minutes of exercise a day. Use a toy and play with your cats often to keep them moving. Just like with humans, joint supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin ease some pain by helping heal cartilage damage. Cosequin® is the No. 1 veterinary-recommended over-the-counter supplement for both cats and dogs to help keep them moving.

• Digestion--Poor digestion is a common problem in aging pets. Adding more fiber to the diet can help them better absorb needed nutrients. Probiotics, such as those available in Proviable-DC, may also help normalize your pet's digestive health during times of stress, travel or with any changes in diet.

• Supplement their diet--Much like with humans, your pets may benefit from nutritional supplements designed to address specific needs. Omega-3 fatty acids help support normal heart rhythm, your pet's immune system and kidney function, and help keep their skin and coat looking their best. Dermaquin and Welactin for dogs and cats both provide healthy doses of omega-3 in a convenient administration form.

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