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Make Growing Your Own Food, Herbs Easier [VIDEO]
Jan 24, 2017 - 11:00:28 AM

( - Inspired by the ollas of the pre-Columbian Americas, GrowOya are unglazed ceramic pots specifically designed to make home gardening effortless while saving water and time.

Planted before seeds are sown and filled with water, the porous clay ensures that vegetables and herbs get exactly the right amount of water they need. A colorful cap keeps evaporation in and critters out, including mosquitoes carrying Zika and West Nile virus. Refill the GrowOya as needed, usually every several days, and reap the bounty of a beautiful garden.

When you’re done, remove the GrowOya, clean it and store it away for next spring.

Water savings can be as high as 70 percent by eliminating runoff and evaporation, and by avoiding surface watering, weeds are not triggered to germinate. GrowOyas come in three sizes to suit various home gardening needs, and just about everything will thrive with their use.



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