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Lifestyle Author: June M. Lay, M.S. - Lifestyle Columnist - Last Updated: Sep 7, 2017 - 10:11:01 PM

Stretch Everyday Everyway

By June M. Lay, M.S. - Lifestyle Columnist -
Nov 29, 2009 - 12:01:42 AM

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( - Make it effective, our stretching routine, that is! My motto is, "Stretch Everyday", and I do practice what I preach even if my session is brief (I admit it, I'm biased!). Flexibility is a component of fitness, so whether we stretch every day, or several days per week, let's not underestimate its benefits. Research has indicated that regular stretching may be more effective in preventing injuries than occasional stretching and a systematic scientific-based review of 7 out of 9 studies indicates that regular stretching improves our sports performance. I personally learned how important stretching when sitting at my computer gave me kinks in my neck (as I sit here and type!). I used to see a chiropractor at least once per week, but since I started stretching everyday, my tension is much more manageable, and I rarely need to go now!

Stretching for a few minutes as a time-out can also relieve other types of tension (remember stress), reduce muscle spasms, and prevent many injuries, especially the chronic repetitive type and once we make it a habit, it can feel really good!

Here then are a few tips to help make our stretching more effective,

Stretching can be done everyday. Everyday we tense our muscles, fatigue our muscles, and when your add sports, daily activity and exercise to the equation, stretching can make a difference in how we feel everyday.

Light stretching is recommended pre workout but stretching more post workout is best . Light stretching can be part of a warm-up before exercise, but the majority of stretching should be done when our body is warm.

Stretching can relieve morning stiffness Low back pain is a common baby boomer complaint but stretching can relieve some of the early morning stiffness. Stretching is a great way to start the day, even with a few lower back stretches upon getting out of bed.

Never bounce into a stretch. Bouncing is called ballistic stretching, which forces muscles into a stretch. However, this can cause injuries, so slow controlled movements are advisable. Bouncing can also cause a neuromuscular reflex action which can actually cause a muscle spasm.

Do not overstretch. I know we all admire the dancer who can bring her toes past her ears, but stretching past the point of normal joint range, can cause laxity in our joints and guess what: a higher risk of injury.

Try sport specific stretches, which will target large and small muscles. Seek professional advice for a sport specific stretching routine.

Stretching should not cause pain, discomfort maybe, but not pain. We all have different pain thresholds, but when in doubt about how it feels, stop and pay attention.

Stretch all muscles and muscle groups. Don't leave any out. Overstretching one muscle group such as our hamstrings, and never stretching our quadriceps can contribute to imbalances. Hence, possible injuries. Hold stretches for 15-30 seconds and gently breathe into them.

So, have I said stretching is for everyday (I just love repeating this)? Stretching can become a daily habit, and starting with a few minutes a day it can turn a chore into a great habit. For me, it also became my form of meditation. A few quiet stress relieving moments each day. Keep in mind that there are stretching routines for standing, lying down, and sitting at a desk, so let's not wait till we hit the gym.

Now, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a day off from the gym for most of us, but we can always do a bit of it by stretching our legs out after our wonderful meal (a tiny bit of walking before dinner would be great for our health too!) and we'll definitely feel so much better for it (how about before the pumpkin pie?)! Happy Holiday and scroll down for a healthy bread recipe from the "American Institute for Cancer Research" loaded with phytochemicals!

Here's to more effective stretching and a great Thanksgiving!

June M. Lay M.S.
Look for my pumpkin pie recipe posted now at my recipe page ( Here's the link for another great recipe Cranberry Sweet Potato Bread from the A.I.C.R.

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