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Eye Care Author: American Academy of Ophthalmology Last Updated: Sep 7, 2017 - 10:06:33 PM

Don’t Lose Sight of Your Eye Health

By American Academy of Ophthalmology
Jan 27, 2011 - 11:10:54 AM

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American Academy of Ophthalmology Reminds Americans of the Importance of Regular Eye Exams during Save Your Vision Month

( - SAN FRANCISCO -- For most people, good vision means good eye health but that may not always be the case. Regular eye exams can catch problems before it’s too late. If you are age 40 or older and have not had a recent eye disease screening, The American Academy of Ophthalmology (Academy) recommends making an appointment for an eye exam. It is an essential step toward preserving vision and keeping eyes healthy and there is no better time than February’s Save Your Vision Month.

By 2020, 43 million Americans will be at risk for significant vision loss or blindness from age-related eye diseases, such as cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and macular degeneration, an increase of more than 50 percent over the current number of Americans with these diseases. Despite the statistics, many Americans are more concerned aboutweight gain or back pain than they are of vision loss.

“Unfortunately, millions of people will suffer significant vision loss and blindness because they don’t know their risks,” said Aaron Weingeist, MD, an ophthalmologist in Seattle and a clinical correspondent for the Academy “I can’t stress enough the importance of getting regular eye exams, because knowing your risks can save your sight.”

The first step in preventing vision loss is to get a baseline eye exam at the age of 40. This is the age when early signs of eye disease and changes in vision may occur. For individuals at any age with symptoms of, or at risk for, eye disease (such as those with a family history of eye disease, diabetes or high blood pressure), the Academy recommends seeing an ophthalmologist to find out how frequently their eyes should be examined. Based on the results of the initial screening, the ophthalmologist will let the patient know how often they will need follow-up exams.

Along with getting a baseline eye exam at the age of 40, the Academy recommends the following regular eye exam schedule for adults with no risk factors:

* Age (years) Frequency of Evaluation
* 65 or older Every 1-2 years
* 55-64 Every 1-3 years
* 40-54 Every 2-4 year
* Under 40 5-10 years

“Eye diseases become more common as we age, but eye problems can occur at any age. By getting a comprehensive eye exam, and following through with the recommendation of your doctor, it can be the difference in saving your vision or preventing further vision loss later in life. Many patients will have no recognizable symptoms of vision loss,” says Dr. Weingeist. “But it is important to identify, monitor and treat early.”

While regular eye exams are extremely important, education and awareness are also part of the eye health equation. In order to provide the public with the most accurate eye health information available, EyeSmart has launched a comprehensive new web site, The new site is the one stop source for everything eye-health related.Information vetted by renowned experts and backed by the extensive resources of the Academy, will help to bring trusted, reliable information to the public.

Tour the new web site and learn more about caring for your eyes at every age at

About the American Academy of Ophthalmology

AAO is the world's largest association of eye physicians and surgeons—Eye M.D.s—with more than 29,000 members worldwide. Eye health care is provided by the three “O’s” – opticians, optometrists and ophthalmologists. It is the ophthalmologist, or Eye M.D., who can treat it all: eye diseases and injuries, and perform eye surgery. To find an Eye M.D. in your area, visit the Academy's Web site at

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